It only takes a moment to be loved a whole life long.

quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2009
Embora odeie confessar, sou terrívelmente romântica e não posso evitar. Meus avós viveram 60 anos juntos, então longevidade marital não é exatamente uma novidade para mim...

Hoje Julie Andrews e seu marido, diretor Blake Edwards, comemoram 40 anos de matrimônio. A novidade aqui, como eu já falei, não está na longevidade do matrimônio, mas na capacidade de ainda conseguir enxergar o amor (romântico), a adoração e comprometimento que um tem em relação ao outro até hoje.

Acredito que o lema de outro casal a quem eu admiro se aplica a eles: “A deal is a deal”. Isto que dizer que é necessário ter o esforço e pagar qualquer preço para que este negócio seja um duradouro e de bons frutos, afinal de contas, vida a dois não é só La vie em rose.

Então fica aqui minha homenagem ao casal:

"It's been lovely working with Blake. And, of course, I get to sleep with the boss." - Julie Andrews

I think that we have a greater understanding of each other and a lot more tolerance now. The secret is for both people to want the marriage to work and I think that's true with us. 

We are both getting better at communication and we were both married before and have learnt from the sense of sadness and sense of failure we had when those relationships broke up." - Julie Andrews

"It seemed dumb not to admit we were in love," Blake recalls. Julie,
newly divorced, was scared. "I kept telling him it wasn't going to work," she says. 

 "Julie has great compassion for people in trouble," he says, "but she won't let me cop out when I'm complaining about Hollywood. She just says, 'Bullshit, Blackie, all you have to do is make a hit.' - Blake Edwards

“I have a sense of humour, but at times I can get very uptight and arrogant. when I get like this, Julie just looks at my with those big eyes, that I see a little smile break out at the corner of her mouth, and what can I do but laugh? Then I see the funny side of the situation.” - Blake Edwards.

"Well, it all started one night when I went to a party [...] I hadn't met Julie yet, and at this party, there was a discussion about people who suddenly were catapulted into stardom and the reasons for it. When Julie's name was mentioned, I said something that leveled the whole room, and the next day, I got a call from Joan Crawford, who hadn't been at the party-and whom I'd never met-telling me it was the funniest line she'd ever heard. People had been conjecturing on and on about what made Julie successful, and at just the right moment, I said, "I can tell you exactly what it is. She has lilacs for pubic hair." After the laughter subsided, Stan Kamen, an agent with William Morris, said, "With your luck, you'll wind up marrying her." And with my luck, I did!" - Blake Edwards

"The beautiful English broad with the incomparable soprano, and promiscuous vocabulary, thanks you." - Blake Edwards se referindo a Julie durante o seu discurso de agradecimento pelo Oscar Honorário dado a ele em 2003

2 comentários:

  1. As Tertulías disse...:

    Os meus parabéns a eles também! de "Darling Lili" até hoje... bonito!

  1. As Tertulías disse...:

    voltei para curtir mais uma vez estas lindas fotos... EStou de volta a Viena e acabei de publicar uma coisinha...

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